Me and my mother joined an amazing group in Ontario with Alfredine (Linda) Plourde called Protecting Canadian Children. We travelled across Ontario holding rallies and speaking with assistant directors in several CAS locations. Velvet Martin, mother of Samantha Martin, who was severely beaten and neglected and starved while in Alberta foster care, joined us for the whole two week journey as well. Sylva McLaughlin, author of Good Daddies, hitch hiked from Moncton, Nova Scotia to help us in our fight to raise awareness of what has been happening in the child care system. It has become a business much like McDonalds. The more children they take, the more money they get. Linda Plourde founded Protecting Canadian Children and is working to have everyone come together to protect the children from becoming part of the system that is corrupt and to hold those responsible and accountable for harm that is being done to our children. The horror stories do not end and no one is being held accountable for their actions. If I deliberately let harm come to a child I would be arrested. Social workers and foster parents are getting away with everything because they keep people ignorant of what is going on. You see a picture of an abused animal and there is an outcry. No one ever sees what is going on to our children because they know there would be a movement bigger than they have ever seen trying to shut them down. They are supposed to help the children that need it not out taking everyones kids because they make money at it. Thank you to everyone that showed support in Ontario, especially Leo Lessar our wonderful driver and tour guide, Linda Plourde the founder of Protecting Canadian Children, Velvet Martin who was the only other mother to come forward after the death of her 13 year old daughter, Sylva McGlaughlin who is a good daddy and fighting for his daughters. Hopefully we can encourage more parents to stop being afraid and to come forward to help us win our fight against the corruption and no accountability. Our children are suffering and dying in our ignorance.